It is one of these few odd times when we split. We never split and we like it. Therefore this time it is only me – Bronek – writing.
On Friday the 13 of March I flew to Poland while Hanne had to stay behind. You know hard hard work.
The last day in work always takes so long. Finally I left the office and rushed to Gent to pick up luggage and some stuff from home. I had chosen the option to park the car in the airport – expensive but really time and fatigue saving solution. Hanne was so nice to accompany me to the airport, so I picked her up from the Sint-Pieter’s station from the train which brings her back from work.We departed to make our way through the complicated network of Belgian highways. I quit following the print from google maps and decided to rely on the existing road signs. There are signs for the airport in Charleroi already in Brussels. It is really a piece of cake. Travel time which I calculated using the formula google x 1,5 turned to be exact.
One of the reasons to go home was to meet the promotor of my masterproof project dr ing. arch. Jan Salm. Though, the most important thing which brought me to Lodz this time was family.
Meeting friends, seeing my hometown, all this is important. Family is alwayas more important. Therefore I didn’t ask myself long whether baptizing is the ceremony I need to attend. I just went to see my little niece and the rest of folks.
It was a communal ceremony in the Church of Peter & Paul in Lodz – my Polish hometown – where altogether four children were baptized. Our family was represtented by the father of Zuza – my brother Mikolaj, the grandparents – my Mother and Father, aunt Broncia – an aunt of my mother, in other words – closest family considering everybody lives in one house – my family nest. Maja,the mother of the baby invited her parents and two sisters, one with a boyfriend, one with her husband and around five children (hard to remember those numbers). The train of Maja’s family was complimented with an aunt to help with the children. The sister and her husband became godparents .
The catholic ceremony, 1st of the kond which I’ve seen in my concious life, consisted of the three most important acts preceded by the declaration of will of the parents. The baby was babtized, nointed and the god father lit up a candle. The babies were given special “napkins” as memorial tokens of the babtizing act. Afterwards the mentioned family proceeded to a reception dinner in the restaurant of University of Lodz Conference Center. Really good food, and nice athmosphere in a reasonable price. Among other gifts Zuza got a walker of which she made immediate use – just as she never stopped walking before. Clever kid.
Thanks to the courtesy of the waiter children were amused to see the Roman candles on the cake twice.
Especially when you see the family so less you appreciate every moment spent together.
My aunt already handed to me an official invitation for the next meeting. The big, as I suppose, family meeting will be take place on 1st of May – the 85th anniversary of the aunt’s birthday and this time we will attend it together with Hanne. The event will take place in the Rogi Inn and as like as not will be presented here.
The pictures – mostly of my and my brother’s authorship – present the ceremony and the reception.
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